↓ identifier: R-Gansterer-20201221-1335-Vienna

↓ identifier: R-Gansterer-20201221-1335-Vienna

↓ tactics of showing

not defined yet, (preferably pinned on a pinboard with beige coloured paper as backdrop)

↓ notes

caption of the artifacts of reflection: 3 drawings on transparent paper, various pencils, 297 x 420 mm

↓ panorama

↓ short description of the situation in which the reflection takes place

I am alone in my studio room. Its a winter day. I just ate a bowl of red beet soup while listening to the sound recording via speaker. Bit tired. As it slowly gets darker both outside and in, I make three successive drawings until the room is pitch black. I let the sound loop, focussing on its reverberating qualities as the darkness deepens.

artifacts of reflection