↓ identifier: N-Gansterer-20200410-1030-Vienna
↓ identifier: N-Gansterer-20200410-1030-Vienna
- agency: matter
- practice of notation: drawing
- notator: Nikolaus Gansterer
- time: 2020-04-10 10:30:00h
- place: Anton Benya Park, Vienna, Austria
- coordinates: 48.1934253, 16.3748170
- Þhing: 20200410-1030-Vienna
- research cell: Line as Thought
↓ tactics of showing
to be defined
↓ notes
artifact: 1 drawing with coloured pencils on white paper, 30 x 42 cm
↓ panorama
↓ short description of the atmosphere
I am here at the park. The sun is shining. Blue sky. No clouds at all. A soft morning breeze stirs. I am sitting on a wooden bench. Blossoming trees all around me. Quietness. The playground lies empty, marked with white and red stripes to keep kids away from playing. Corona safety measurements. Beside me, my boy. Sleeping quiescently in his stroller. I stay still. We are both breathing. I experience various states of matter as forms which move and make me move. How is matter mattering into movement and vice versa? What do I move even when not moving? A felt motionless motion. Mattering of vitality.