Emma Cocker is a writer-artist and Associate Professor in Fine Art at Nottingham Trent University, where she co-leads the artistic research group, Performing Process. Emma’s research practice unfolds restlessly along the threshold between writing/art, including diverse process-oriented and dialogic-collaborative approaches to working with and through language. Emma often works with other artist-researchers on durational projects, where the studio-gallery or site-specific context becomes a live ‘laboratory’ for collaborative exploration. Open-ended and process-based, such explorations are often shared with others through artists’ book-works, publications, performance lectures and live events.

Emma’s writing has been published in Failure (2010); Stillness in a Mobile World (2010); Hyperdrawing: Beyond the Lines of Contemporary Art (2012); On Not Knowing: How Artists Think (2013); Choreo-graphic Figures: Deviations from the Line (2017); The Creative Critic: Writing as/about Practice (2017); Live Coding: A User’s Manual (2022), and the solo collections The Yes of the No (2016) and How Do You Do? (2022). She was an invited artistic researcher as part of ‘Ecologies of Practice’, Research Pavilion, Venice (2019); is co-editor of a Special Issue of Phenomenology and Practice on ‘Practices of Phenomenological and Artistic Research’ (2022) and is co-founder of the Society of Artistic Research Special Interest Group of Language-based Artistic Research.

She participated in the Research Pavillion in Venice, at the workshop at Angewandte Performance Laboratory and will participate in the Cross-Disciplinary Symposium.